
Showing posts from May, 2013

New York Journal of Books and review Darden North's WIGGLE ROOM

Follow these links to early reviews of Wiggle Room , fourth novel by Darden North: NEW YORK JOURNAL OF BOOKS   Wiggle Room by Darden North Reviewed by George Halas | Released: May 25, 2013 Publisher: Sartoris Literary Group (252 pages) “. . . there is a sense that Mr. North’s visually acute, action-packed style in this book is likely headed for the silver screen . . .” If what you seek is a fast-paced, action-packed “just one more chapter” thriller, Wiggle Room by Darden North definitely fits the bill. Mr. North’s economical writing is augmented by just enough humor to keep the pace brisk and the pages turning. His heroes are less than perfect but eminently likable, and his villains occupy more than one dimension. Mr. North writes as though it is just wrong for a reader to catch a breath. The opening of the book is set in Balad, Iraq, during the war and the opening sentences describe a mo...

Dogs are man's best friend, especially if he writes novels and drinks coffee

I was interviewed on Marshal Zeringue's blog Coffee with a Canine May 15, 2013. I'm still waiting for Valerie and Foxy to answer me. Check out the interview at: The interview on Coffee with a Canine is also pasted below including the comments that followed the post: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Darden North & Valerie and Foxy Who are in the photos with this entry? That’s me Darden North and our two dogs, Valerie and Foxy . Both are hand-me-ups from our daughter. Valerie is a Chihuahua and Foxy a Pomeranian-rat terrier mix, otherwise known as a pomerat. Foxy indeed resembles a fox and Valerie a Chihuahua. I share the feeding, walking, and picking-up duties of these two beautiful girls with my wife Sally, although I do most of the meals and picking-up. As expected, Valerie and Foxy love me more. The two girls are at my heels the minute I get home from my day job as an obstetri...